Apartment rental
Walo-Asunnot Oy
Kauppurienkatu 23, 5.krs
90100 Oulu
Visits to the office by appointment.
Managing director Tanja Lehto
+358 40 757 6158
By phone Mon-Thu from 9:30 am to 10:30 am and from 12 pm to 13:30 pm.
A visit to the office must be arranged in advance.
Fault notifications / door opening:
Real estate management Alltime Real estate services
Non-urgent fault reports and maintenance requests:
toimisto@alltime.fi (weekdays between 7 am and 3 pm) or 010 583 3000.
Service request online: https://alltime.fi/kiinteistopalvelut/huoltopyynnot-asukkaat/
Non-urgent maintenance requests are usually processed within 1-3 days.
Maintenance requests are recorded in the property manager’s work queue on weekdays between 7 am and 3 pm during office opening hours.
When there is a risk of water damage or other matter requiring urgent attention,
contact the 24/7 emergency service directly: 010 583 3000.
Suggestions for improvement and bugs on the site: